Catalog and play your home music libraries on your Android TV.  Control player with your tv remote or keyboard Control your music player with motions
extend stream upload play music

A Motion Sensor Controlled Player that makes your entire home music library accessable from your phone

Access your home music from your android phone

PRSmusJuke streams your network music on your TV or home theatre system.

PRSmusJuke catalogs your home music libraries into a jukebox format on your Android TV™ allowing you to stream, upload, and play everything from your TV through a wifi or ethernet connection. Nothing needs to be downloaded to your computers.

A simple interface allows you to control everything with your TV remote.

While scanning and cataloging your music libraries by Artist and Album, missing album art, genres, and other metadata will be automatically downloaded from or web sites. You can also download and save album liner notes from

You can easily stream anything in your catalog to your TV or home theatre system with your ethernet or Wifi connection.

Scan everyones music on your network and then opionally filter by share to show only your music.

Stream, play, and upload from multiple networks (home, office, cottage, friends)

PRSmusJuke uses Samba and supports aac, ac3, flac, m4a, mka, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, and wma audio files.

Install PRSmusJuke on you cell phone and then sync playback between devices or use your cell phone to control the playqueue and playback on your Android TV.

Get it on Google Play

PRSmusJuke - the Android TV Music Manager

Top Menu:

Info Information
Settings Settings
Remote Sync Remote Sync Devices
Toggle View Toggle Album View Grid
Refresh Refresh View
Shares Setup Shares to scan
Edit Drop albums, shares, and playlists to edit
Unload Drop albums, tracks, playlists to unload from your device
Upload Drop albums, tracks, playlists to upload to your device
Search/Scan Scan shares or search for music
Filter Filter by Release Date, Genre, and Online status
Playlists Setup or play Playlists
Player/Queue Manage tracks queued for play
Favorites Setup favorite tracks

See all of your album covers in the Album View. Skip to an Artist by using the alpha index or keyboard letter.

The album image border dynamically changes colour so you can see at a glance what is loaded on your device (green) and what is streamable (yellow), and offline (blue).

Optimized for touchless devices PRSmusJuke is controlled by your TV remote and optionally a wireless keyboard or mouse. PRSmusJuke lets you click, double click, and long press with your remote or keyboard.

Toggle between a grid view and a list view. Expand or collapse album tracks in the list view.

Album Wall fling or skip to artist Album List fling or skip to artist

Toggle the Album View to show small, medium, or large Album covers. Optionally show album covers with the Album name or Artist name. Sort by Album or Artist.

Medium Album Display with Artist Name Large Album Display with Album Name

Click on an Album to display tracks and album details. Double click to edit. Long press to drag and drop.

Android TV Music Player

The Player

Album Wall fling or skip to artist

See what is queued to play.

Resequence or delete queued tracks.

Randomly play tracks within your current filter.

Click Delete to delete the current playing track. Double click to delete all 'next up' tracks. Long press to delete the entire play queue.

Click on the now playing image to go directly to Album Display.

Remote Sync Function

Sync playback between devices

Remotely control play queue and playback from another device.

Sync music playback between devices.

Set a device as discoverable (in the Settings function)

Sync with the Remote Icon 3 ways:
- Single tap to sync from your discoverable device. Music plays on the discoverable device, your device is a remote control. (Play queue is mirrored on both devices)
- Double tap to sync your discoverable device from your device. Music plays on the discoverable device, your device is a remote control. (Play queue is mirrored on both devices)
- Long press to sync your device from your discoverable device. Music plays on your device, Playback is paused on your discoverable device.

Settings Function

- Set initial volume at start up. - Set a device as discoverable.
- Automatically connect to last device. (This speeds up the discovery and connection process.)
- Set how much play history to keep
- Set what to do with skipped tracks.

Album Display Get it on Google Play

Album Detail Display

Album Details

Tap play now to play album immediately.
Tap play next to play album next.
Tap add album to play queue to add album to end of the Play Queue.

Optionally exclude album from random play.

Click on the previous and next album images at the bottom of the screen to flip through your albums.

Album Track Display

Track Details

Tap play now to play track immediately.
Tap play next to play track next.
Tap add album to play queue to add track to end of the Play Queue.

Open the Play Queue to review, re-sequence, or remove tracks.

Double tap to edit the Album information.

Album Liner Notes

Album Liner Notes

Click 'Discogs' to find liner notes from

Click 'Save' to optionally save liner notes.

Click 'Clear' to delete saved liner notes.

Music Searchs Get it on Google Play

Music Search Music Search Results

Search by Track keyword and Artist name or keyword and optionally include your current Filter in the results.


Set up FiltersFilter by Shares

Filter by share, genre, favorites, album release decade or year, SSID (Wifi network), and hide offline content.

Filtering by share lets you catalogue music for multiple users and then filter to show only your music.

Double click the filter icon to clear the current filter

Favorites Get it on Google Play

Set up Favorites

Drop tracks, albums, or playlists on the Favorites icon to set as a Favorite.

Tap the Favorites Icon to show favorites.

Double tap a track to remove from Favorites or Drag and Drop to resequence.

Tap play now to play track immediately.
Tap play next to play track next.
Tap add album to play queue to add track to end of the Play Queue.


Set up Playlists Add, remove, or resequence Playlist tracks

Create a new Playlist or Tap on an existing one to select current Playlist. Current Playlist displays at the bottom of the screen.

Drop tracks, albums, or favorites on the Playlist icon icon to add to the playlist.

Tap the Playlist Icon to show Playlists. Tap on a Playlist to see playlist tracks.

Double tap a track to remove from Favorites or Drag and Drop to resequence.

Tap play now to play track or playlist immediately.
Tap play next to play track or playlist next.
Tap add album to play queue to add track or playlist to end of the Play Queue.

Upload and unload music Get it on Google Play

Drop albums, tracks, playlists to uploadto your phone

Drop tracks, albums, or playlists in the Upload Queue to upload now, or later if you are not connected to your Wifi network.

Open the Upload Queue to review, re-sequence, or remove tracks.

Drop tracks, album, or playlists in the Unload Icon to remove the content from your phone.

Select the destination for uploaded content to either internal or external memory, or an external SD Card,

Music manually copied to your phone will be automatically included in your catalog.

Scanning your network Get it on Google Play

Set up new Shares or select Shares to change or scan

Setting up Shares to scan is simple and can be done in less than 15 seconds:
1. Click 'New' and enter a share name.
2. Press 'Find Share Servers' to list devices attached to your Wifi network.
3. Select a Server (device) and, if requested, enter a log in id and password.
4. Drill down to your music directory (Where you can see your mudis directories or files listed. (Browse Shares)
5. Save the Share and run the scan.

Check the Scan Log to see new material found in the scan.

Maintain your Shares

3. Select a Server (device) and, if requested, enter a log in id and password.
4. Drill down to your music directory. (Browse Shares)
5. Save the Share and run the scan.

Check the Scan Log to see new material found in the scan.

Select Servers or Devices on your network to scan Select Servers or Devices on your network to scan

If your Shares change locaton (eg. for a USB Drive) simply remap to the new Server or Share location. No need to rescan your content.

Create a mask to parse data from your directories

If your directories contain Artist, Album, or Genre data, PRSmusJuke will parse the directory structure to capture this information.
If the default method does not return proper results, you can set up a custom mask to parse your directories and capture this data.
You can optionally override metadata from mp3 or flac files with this data.

Mask values:
a = Album
b = Band (Artist)
g = Genre
t = Track
x = Not Used

Separator values:
s = Space
- = Dash
Any non alphanumeric special character

Tap the Test button to see the results of your mask.

Mask Examples:
Rock\Pink Floyd\Dark Side of the Moon\Us and Them - Pink Floyd.wav
g b a ts-sb

Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon\Us and Them - Pink Floyd.wav
x x bs-sa ts-sb

Rock\Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon\Us and Them - Pink Floyd.wav
g bs-sa ts-sb

Pink Floyd\Dark Side of the Moon\Us and Them - Pink Floyd.wav
x b a ts-sb

If some of your track names have the artist name at the end, using a mask of \'ts-sb\' will return the track name without the artist name.\n If a mask field is duplicated (like the \'b\') \'x b a ts-sb\' the left most mask result will be used. If you want to use the mask result to the right replace the left mask with an \'x\' as in \'x x a ts-sb\'

Customize your music catalog Get it on Google Play

Edit Album or lookup Album on MusicBrainz or Discogs.  Browse your network for new Album Art

Edit Album, Artist, and Track names, change release year or genres.

Browse for Album artwork from your shares directories or connect to or to list Album versions and releases. Update the Album with selected or data.

Select or remove Album Genres.  Add new or delete unused Genres

Change or add new Genres.

Edit Tracks, move Track to a different Album or a new Album found on Discogs

Move tracks to new or different albums or move to a new album.

Delete albums and tracks from your database.

PRSmusJuke consolidates duplicate material showing you what is online first. See individual duplicate content in the Album Edit function.

Please email us at if you have any questions, problems, or requests.

Get it on Google Play

PRSmusJuke extends your Players reach and lets you control your Player with motions

Copyright 2014. PRSmusJuke. All rights reserved. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
PRS Systems
18 - 7111 Salisbury Avenue Burnaby, BC V5E 2Z9 CA
Phone: 604 521-8259 Website: